Harlem Hookup is a series created by the youth-led project, Harlem Hookup, which is dedicated to young people in Harlem, New York City. The series focuses on issues around relationships, dating, and sex among young people living in Harlem. It also provides a safe space for young people to explore these topics with one another, and it is a platform for open dialogue and conversation.

The series was started in 2017 by a group of young activists who wanted to create an opportunity for young people to engage with each other in a constructive, yet honest manner. Through the series, they encourage young people to talk openly about topics such as dating violence, healthy relationships, and sexual health. In addition to providing a safe space for conversations, the series also provides resources such as free condoms and access to sexual health services.

The series has been successful in giving young people in Harlem the opportunity to engage with each other on sensitive topics. Through this platform, young people have been able to discuss issues around relationships, sex, and dating with their peers and receive support from professionals. The series has also been a positive influence on the community as a whole - helping to reduce stigma and misconceptions around sexuality and relationships.

In addition to its success in Harlem, Harlem Hookup has since gained national recognition. It has been featured in national media outlets and was even presented at the 2019 SXSW Festival. This has further raised awareness of the initiative and the important conversations it seeks to facilitate.

Harlem Hookup is an example of the power of youth-led initiatives and the impact they can have on their communities. The series has provided young people in Harlem with a safe space to explore their feelings, ask questions, and build healthy relationships. With its continued success and recognition, it will no doubt continue to be a valuable resource for young people across the country.