What is metal recycling and why is it so important?

Metal recycling is a process whereby materials which can no longer be used for their original purpose are collected and sent where they can be transformed into something usable again. When you recycle your unwanted non-ferrous metals at UMW, you will not only put cash in your pocket: you will also be doing your part to help the environment. In fact, metal in particular can be recycled over and over again, making this type of recycling one of the most practical and common-sense solutions to preserving the earth’s finite resources. The world’s supply of metals is finite, and some are at risk of running out in the next several decades: this is why recycling as much as possible is so important.

Aren't materials that come from recycled materials of lesser quality than virgin ore?

Absolutely not! And using recycled metals as much as possible rather than new ore has many benefits:

  • Precious natural resources are preserved for future generations
  • Energy usage is drastically reduced
  • Carbon emissions are cut: as an example, a ton of recycled aluminum can save nearly 8 tons of emissions

What are some of the other benefits of metal recycling?

Most households and even many businesses are not recycling metals as much as they could be simply because they don’t realize how many goods are actually recyclable! Visit our Household Recyclables page to see what you might be missing. When you recycle more you’ll be helping to:

  • Keep overall prices of goods lower
  • Reduce unnecessary landfill waste
  • Doing your part to promote sustainability and reduce energy consumption

Of course, the personal benefit is that recycling non-ferrous metals at UMW pays: and who couldn’t use a little extra cash in their pocket these days?

I hear the term "sustainability" a lot in conjunction with recycling. What is sustainability?

Sustainability simply means being able to maintain our current supply of resources and quality of life without infringing on the ability of future generations to do the same. Tons of aluminum, copper, zinc and other important metals are wasted by consumers each and every month: if businesses and home owners alike recycle as much of these materials as possible, then practicing sustainability has a much better chance to succeed over the long term. We are a Utah metal recycling company that supports sustainability by processing thousands of tons of non-ferrous metals each and every year; and we do it while maintaining the lowest emissions profile possible.

Where do the metals go after they get to Utah Metal Works and what happens to them?

Our recycled materials literally go across the nation and around the world! They are crushed, bailed, and bundled at our Salt Lake City facility and then shipped off to processing and manufacturing facilities where the metals are melted down and turned into new products.

Do you accept whole cars for recycling purposes?

No, we do not. But we do accept many different types oil-free car parts that contain non-ferrous metal materials such as titanium, lead, aluminum, and other valuable resources. We use state-of-the-art technologies to determine exact metal content of the items you bring to us and will give you the current market price per pound for each item. Contact us directly for more specifics regarding car part recycling.

Do you pick up household consumer recycling metals?

We only provide pickup service for larger lot commercial and industrial customers in Utah, the Continental U.S, and Canada. However, we encourage household scrap customers to drop off all materials at our convenient Salt Lake City facility during regular business hours, where the goods will be tested and weighed: and you will be paid on-the-spot. Don’t trash it: cash it!

Do you perform on-site testing?

Utah Metal Works uses the latest in state-of-the-art equipment to perform content analysis for many of our industrial customers on-site. Contact us for more information.